ConFusion offers a wide range of tracks with panels crossing over into multiple tracks to create content that is entertaining, educational, and energized!
Art –
Email to participate in this track.
Past Spotlight Panels:
- Whose Cartoon is it Anyway?: A cartoonist face-off — the audience gives the panel of cartoonists a situation to draw. Cartoonist #1 draws half of it – Cartoonist #2 finishes it and a punch line!
- The Mural of ConFusion: Throughout the weekend you are welcome to lend your talent to a mural that will be created and on display.
- Iron Artist: Drawing/sculpture isn’t usually a performance art, but Iron Artists show how they work while creating prepare a piece of art (or craft) on the assigned topic. (3 HOURS)
Comics –
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ConFusion’s Comics track covers discussions about all forms of comics, from superheroes, to indie comics, webcomics, and anime.
Past Spotlight Panels:
- Starting Out in Web Comics: A crash course on what you need to know to create comics on the web. There will be hard truths, and lessons shared based on success and failure.
- Alternative Comics and Art: Artwork created for the mainstream follows dominant trends and is marketed for popularity, but there are many alternative artists and creators doing spectacular things. Find out the difference between popular and underground art, why it’s important and where to find it.
Costuming –
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Past Spotlight Panels:
- How the &*(#^ Do I Make This???: Stump the Costume Experts: A lively and popular discussion returns! How do you make an Ood ball… or a better spacesuit helmet… or articulated wings… or get the look and feel of a character you want to cosplay? Come ask a panel of experienced costumers your toughest questions.
- Masquerade: Come see – or show off – the best costumes of the night! Judges will scrutinize. Crowds will cheer. Audiences will swoon. Honors will be awarded. Winners of Iron Artist also announced.
Fandom – 
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Fan Programming covers everything fans do! And fans do a lot of fun stuff. We’ll be talking about cons we love, books we want to nominate for the Hugo awards, and things we like to do when we’re not going to cons, like go to Burning Man instead.
Past Spotlight Panels:
- The Faces of Fandom: It’s easy to think fandom is an unchanging monolith, but fandom has always had many faces, and it grows and changes all the time, and different fandoms have their own distinct cultures. How do fandoms differ (SFF, media, fanfic, music, sports, etc) and what traits to they share (participatory vs. consumer fandom)?
- It Takes an Intergalactic Village: Finding and surrounding your life with positive influences that will help your kids become productive, insightful, and best of all nerd-class citizens.
- Fan GoH Induction: The Fan Guest of Honor Introduction and Induction is a traditional ConFusion event, wherein any attending Fan GoHs of years past welcome the new Fan GoH to the club.
Film Room –
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Get ready for an emotional roller coaster with the ConFusion Film! This year we’ll be showing some of the top anime series and movies from 2016. As a bonus we’ll also be featuring a collection of Mel Brooks’ movies because what better way to celebrate this year’s theme of friendship than with laughter? Join us for 3 days of laughter and tears involving cowboys, producers, merry-men, and a very large helmet.
Past Spotlight Panels:
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Viewing of the sensational show that proves that animation is for young and old(er) alike.
- Mel Brooks’ Films: Showings of Spaceballs, Men in Tights, and Young Frankenstein among others.
Gaming – 
Email to participate in this track.
Past Spotlight Panels:
- Capitan Sonar: You and your teammates control a state-of-the-art submarine and are trying to locate an enemy submarine in order to blow it out of the water before they can do the same to you. Every role is important, and the confrontation is merciless. Be organized and communicate because a captain is nothing without his crew: the Chief Mate, the Radio Operator, and the Engineer.
- Netherstorm (multiple experiences): Netherstorm is an open sandbox game using the Thunderhead role-playing game (RPG) system, in which you have free reign over your character’s destiny. There are no classes or levels. With approval from the Game Master, any skill or spell can be designed. Design any type of character, and enter the world of Thelal.
KidFusion –
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KidFusion is the place for kids to be, well, kids! The weekend is filled with events from every track that have been developed for nerd youth. Open to children ages 5-12.
Past Spotlight Panels:
- Saturday Night Movie & Pizza Party: Kids can enjoy some great entertainment and food with their friends. THIS IS A PAID EVENT Come ready to party in your pajamas! We will have Pizza, pop, popcorn along with movies, games and crafts. Register for this event at the registration table by NOON on SATURDAY.
- Lego Mania!: Build a robot or a space ship! Legos will be out and ready for you to create! You are only limited by your imagination.
Literature – 
Email to participate in this track.
Past Spotlight Panels:
- Autograph Sessions: On Saturday afternoon over 50 professionals will be available to sign your books, CDs, or other memorabilia. (limit 3 signatures per panelist per attendee)
- Subterranean Press Chat Session: Come join production manager Geralyn Lance and learn more about what makes Michigan-based Subterranean Press so special to the SFF field and to Confusion. Ever want to know what goes into producing a limited edition or selecting art for a dust jacket? Geralyn’s got you covered. Want to know about this year’s special guests sponsored by SubPress at Confusion? Ditto. She’ll also be previewing what books SubPress has coming in 2017 and giving away a few special books to lucky audience members. Don’t miss this chance to get the inside scoop on a unique publisher.
Media –
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The Media track at ConFusion celebrates all kinds of visual SF&F media, from TV shows and movies, to web series, fan films and fanvids. Media panels cover critical discussions, trends and themes, and everything we love and hate about SF&F on the big, small or computer screen.
Past Spotlight Panels:
- Round Tables: With the wonderful abundance of TV and film science fiction and fantasy to talk about, we’re going to try something new this year and hold round table discussions about TV shows and movies all through the weekend!
- What the F Did I Just Watch?: The web can be a strange place. Let’s discuss the weirdest internet fads and memes we’ve seen (100 layers challenges, don’t hug me i’m scared, weird commercials, etc.)
- The Evolution of the Zombie: Slow zombies, fast zombies, undead zombies and plague zombies. Over the years we’ve seen them all. How has the mythos of the zombie evolved and where might it go next?
Music – 
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SF fans have a long tradition of making music together. We’ve got a great group of singers, instrumentalists, songwriters, and (the important part) listeners attending, and we always want more. (Join us! Join us!)
Past Spotlight Panels:
- Concerts: We’ll have concerts by everyone from the always-amazing Tom Smith to new-to-ConFusion bands The Faithful sidekicks (from Minnesota) and February Sky (from northern Michigan).
- Workshops: We’ll have workshops on guitar technique and songwriting.
- And More!: Of course, we’ll have plenty of opportunities for fans at every level of musical experience (from zero on up) to share the music, stories, and poems they love.
Science – 
Email to participate in this track.
Past Spotlight Panels:
Pimp Your Mars Rover: A crash course on the ins-and-outs of becoming a vendor at a convention. Panelists will provide useful information about working with convention staff, how to interact with customers and complaints, and how to work around the unexpected, as well as discussing the real financial risks and rewards, licensing, and the legality of fan art.
Using Physics Dangerously to Inspire Laughter and Thought: Scientifically blowing your mind 3 times in 50 minutes! Panelists are limited to 10 minute discussions based on three topics that are tied to lighthearted videos about Physics. Come learn, have fun, ask questions and be inspired.
TeenFusion – 
Email to participate in this track.
TeenFusion is the place for teens to hang out with other teens and play games and have fun! The weekend is filled with events from every track. Open to teens ages 13-18.
Past Spotlight Panels:
- Teen Iron Artist: An art competition for teens, judged by teens.
- The Writing Journey: Both Susan Dennard and Kate Elliott started writing as teens. They’ll talk about their experiences and how they turned writing into a career, and they especially want to hear your questions about writing, publishing, and art.