Jim Butcher Panels Day Start End Title Description Location Panelists Friday 7:00 PM 7:50 PM Opening Ceremonies Welcome to ConFusion Through the Looking Glass! Please join our ConChair and our Guests of Honor, Kate Elliott, Luke Ski, Nisi Shawl, Annalee Newitz, and James Breakwell, along with our Special Guest, courtesy of Subterranean Press, Jim Butcher! Hear about all the exciting stuff you can expect from them, and us, this weekend! Dessert Reception to follow shortly after Opening Ceremonies conclude! BIG TOP Amy Sexsmith, Annalee Newitz, James Breakwell, Jim Butcher, Kate Elliott, Gail Cross, Luke Ski, Nisi Shawl Saturday 11:00 AM 11:50 AM Black Gate Interview Jim Butcher Brandon Crilly of Black Gate Magazine sits down for a 30 minute interview with SubPress Guest Jim Butcher. BIG TOP Brandon Crilly, Jim Butcher Saturday 2:00 PM 2:50 PM Any Sufficiently Detailed Magic System is Indistinguishable From Science The influence of tabletop roleplaying games is widely felt in fantasy. Many stories make a ‘science’ out of their magic that reflects the carefully-balanced rules of a tabletop sourcebook. What are the trade-offs between creating magic systems with strict rules and leaving magic as a mysterious and unknown force? How do we balance the sense of wonder and magic against the desire to give readers a stable hook from which to suspend their disbelief? What makes a well-defined magic system work in a story, and when are we showing the reader too much of the machinery behind the curtain? BIG TOP Brandon Crilly, Charlie Jane Anders, David Anthony Durham, Kate Elliott, Shweta Adhyam, Jim Butcher Saturday 4:00 PM 4:50 PM Autograph Session (4 PM) Come meet your favorite authors, artists and musicians and have them sign things! (Please limit your signing requests to 3 items per person.) ST. CLAIR Amal El-Mohtar, Annalee Flower Horne, Annalee Newitz, Carl Engle-Laird, David Anthony Durham, Delilah S. Dawson, Diana Rowland, Dominik Parisien, Dyrk Ashton, Ferrett Steinmetz, James Breakwell, James L. Sutter, Jason Sanford, Jason Sizemore, Jim Butcher, Jim C. Hines, Julia Rios, Mark Oshiro, Michael J. DeLuca, Michael R. Underwood, Monica Valentinelli, Mur Lafferty, Nisi Shawl, Patrick S. Tomlinson, Sara Dobie Bauer, Sarah Gailey, Scott H. Andrews, Seleste deLaney / Julie Particka, Stacey Filak, Suzanne Church, Tracy Townsend Sunday 10:00 AM 10:50 AM Missing and Deleted Scenes in the Age of the Internet On the advice of artist John Tenniel, Lewis Carroll dropped an entire chapter from Through The Looking Glass. That chapter was almost lost to history until a galley turned up in a Sotheby’s auction. These days, writers have a lot more options for their missing scenes, including sharing them as promotional freebies on their websites or including them in newsletters or crowdfunding platforms. Can scenes that ultimately didn’t strengthen the work still merit sharing with readers? What makes a missing scene a good candidate for sharing with readers vs. consignment to the recycling bin of history? CHARLEVOIX Bryon Quertermous, David D. Levine, Liz Derrington, Sara Dobie Bauer, Jim Butcher Sunday 1:00 PM 1:50 PM Q&A: Jim Butcher Q&A: Jim Butcher CHARLEVOIX Jim Butcher Sunday 3:00 PM 3:50 PM Closing Ceremonies Come say goodbye to our Guests of Honor and Special Guests, and learn what we might have in store for you for next year! BIG TOP Amy Sexsmith, Annalee Newitz, Gail Cross, James Breakwell, Jim Butcher, Kate Elliott, Luke Ski, Nisi Shawl