Gail Cross Panels Day Start End Title Description Location Panelists Friday 7:00 PM 7:50 PM Opening Ceremonies Welcome to ConFusion Through the Looking Glass! Please join our ConChair and our Guests of Honor, Kate Elliott, Luke Ski, Nisi Shawl, Annalee Newitz, and James Breakwell, along with our Special Guest, courtesy of Subterranean Press, Jim Butcher! Hear about all the exciting stuff you can expect from them, and us, this weekend! Dessert Reception to follow shortly after Opening Ceremonies conclude! BIG TOP Amy Sexsmith, Annalee Newitz, James Breakwell, Jim Butcher, Kate Elliott, Gail Cross, Luke Ski, Nisi Shawl Saturday 6:00 PM 6:50 PM Design Is Easy! (Or So Every Client Says) Three professional designers come together to discuss all they love about the work, and all the things you never knew went into it, beyond just colors and typefaces. Or maybe they’ll just recall all the times they heard the words in the title of this panel. PETOSKEY Gail Cross, Pablo Defendini, Steve Buchheit Sunday 1:00 PM 1:50 PM Analogue Media in the Digital Age Paper, vinyl, and film, oh my! What are the unique advantages to analogue media, and what’s just a deeply ingrained sense of how media “should” be? Is it not a book without the paper smell, or a song without the soft crackle of a needle on vinyl? PETOSKEY David Klecha, Gail Cross, John Winkelman Sunday 3:00 PM 3:50 PM Closing Ceremonies Come say goodbye to our Guests of Honor and Special Guests, and learn what we might have in store for you for next year! BIG TOP Amy Sexsmith, Annalee Newitz, Gail Cross, James Breakwell, Jim Butcher, Kate Elliott, Luke Ski, Nisi Shawl