Friday | 8:00 PM | 8:50 PM | Manitou | Hollywood Heroes | Will the real Deadpool please stand up? Are you skipping the Justice League movie in favor of the books? If Ragnarok ends the world in a movie, does that count in the comic books? What superhero movies don’t quite live up to the books — or vice versa? | Matt Feazell, BluRaven C. Houvener, Meg Brandal |
Saturday | 10:00 AM | 10:50 AM | Manitou | Immigration and Refuge in Science Fiction | Travel stories are classics in any genre, but in science fiction stories of travelling to a new home are often about colonization, or about intrepid explorers amongst the (primitive) aliens. Let’s talk about the science fiction stories that better reflect the experiences of immigrants and refugees in the real world. | Alexandra Manglis, Amal El-Mohtar, David Anthony Durham, John Chu |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | 11:50 AM | Manitou | Clip Studio for Web Comics | Lar deSousa of “The Least I Could Do” gives a guided touor of using this software to create webcomics. | Lar deSouza |
Saturday | 1:00 PM | 1:50 PM | Manitou | Space Software | An interactive demo of Kerbal Space program , Universe Sandbox and NASA’s Eyes on the Solar System. | Bob Trembley, Connie Trembley |
Saturday | 2:00 PM | 2:50 PM | Manitou | The Future of the Portal Fantasy | Many classic children’s books, including Through The Looking Glass, are portal fantasy stories. What do new portal fantasies need to bring to the table to stand out in a crowded field? How do reinterpretations like Every Heart A Doorway fit into the portal fantasy landscape? Do you pretty much have to be Neil Gaiman to get away with playing this trope straight, or is there room for new voices? And where do we want to see portal fantasies take us next? | Lee Harris, Mari Ness, Navah Wolfe, Sarah E. Gibbons |
Saturday | 3:00 PM | 3:50 PM | Manitou | SubPress Chat | Come join production manager Geralyn Lance and learn more about what makes Michigan-based Subterranean Press so special to the SFF field and to Confusion. Ever want to know what goes into producing a limited edition or selecting art for a dust jacket? Geralyn’s got you covered. Want to know about this year’s special guests sponsored by SubPress at Confusion? Ditto. She’ll also be previewing what books SubPress has coming in 2017 and giving away a few special books to lucky audience members. Don’t miss this chance to get the inside scoop on a unique publisher. | Geralyn Lance |
Saturday | 4:00 PM | 4:50 PM | Manitou | The Science of Beekeeping | In this age of colony collapse disorder , learn about the biology of the honey bee , bee health and the scourge of Varroa destructor , and a recent breakthrough in honey harvesting that has beekeepers buzzing. | Jen Haeger |
Saturday | 5:00 PM | 5:50 PM | Manitou | Michael Kucharski’s Shakespeare Tarot | Detroit artist Michael Kucharski gives a graphic presentation on the creative process behind his new Tarot deck featuring Shakespeare characters. | Michael Kucharski |
Saturday | 6:00 PM | 6:50 PM | Manitou | Drawing on Real Rituals For Fictional Magic | A presentation on how historical cultures, particularly Hittites, have used “magic” rituals in the real world–and how we might draw on those magic systems as inspiration for fiction. | Dr. Hannah Marcuson |
Sunday | 12:00 PM | 12:50 PM | Manitou | Do Not Be Satisfied With Stories: Narrative Structure and Expectations | A short PowerPoint lecture (all images or short clips! no boring text slides!) on how the expectations we bring to a story influence how we engage with the story, with a particular emphasis on how opening paragraphs (and opening sequences in films) often rely on familiarity and cultural knowledge to draw us in. Focus on science fiction and fantasy stories. | Kate Elliott |