Saturday | 8:00 AM | 9:00 AM | Atrium | The Third annual Frosty Fun Run/Walk/Crawl/Roll/Gasp/Flail | One mile of chilly awesomeness! (And, probably, frozen goose poop.) Run, walk, crawl, or roll–it doesn’t matter how you make it around the (slightly more than) one mile mostly-sidewalk course, you’ll still get a cool badge ribbon! (Sign up at OPs) | Diana Rowland |
Saturday | 11:00 AM | 11:50 AM | Atrium | Solar Observations | Why didn’t the sun go back to college? It has 27 million degrees! Come see the sun , talk about the eclipse and meet other heliophiles | Bob Trembley |
Saturday | 12:00 PM | 2:50 PM | Atrium | Iron Artist | Drawing/sculpture isn’t usually a performance art, but Iron Artists show how they work while creating a piece of art (or craft) on the assigned topic. | Crystal Mielcarek, John Benson, Lar deSouza , Matt Feazell, Melanie Brooks, Michael Kucharski, Lana Krolikowski, PocketDemon, Rachel Quinlan |
Saturday | 7:00 PM | 7:50 PM | Atrium | Lunar Observation | Did you hear about the great new restaurant on the moon? The food is excellent , but there’s no atmosphere. Come see it for yourself! | Bob Trembley |